“I don’t believe in celebrating Valentine’s Day because it should be year round”
“I like feeling special, but I would trade one day for more consistency”
As a relationship expert, I support a special day to honor the love between people; however, for a long term love relationship (LTLR), you must display positive love behaviors on a consistent basis throughout the year.
Here are some quick tips for making the love last 365 days!
1. Take time to understand your personal needs (self-intimacy), and those of your partner
3. Speak your truth – “say what you mean and mean what you say”
4. Keep your promises
5. Leave petty/small arguments exactly that, small
6. Communicate concerns without blaming your partner
7. Resist defending yourself when concerns are raised; listen with the intent to be influenced
8. Increase variety – do something different to spice things up
9. Show appreciation for what your partner contributes to the relationship,
10. Be forgiving – you both will make mistakes, learn from them
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